jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2015


Paulo Freire.jpg
A public person that I admire is Paulo Freire because he is an expert in education and I study education.
I knew of him when I started study on the university. A teacher suggested read a book of Paulo Freire, called “Cartas a quien pretende enseñar”. I loved this book. Then I read chapters of the book called “Pedagogía del Oprimido” and “La educación como práctica de la libertad”.
Freire was a brasilein educator that postulated the critique pedagogy. He was born on 1921 and he died on 1997. The critique pedagogy is the construction of the society from society problems that concern to the classrooms.
Paulo Freire postulated the banking education. This is the education is a business and the elite always win because they have the control and the money.
I like Freire because he has critique ideas of the pedagogy. He believes in a free pedagogy and he critiques the elitist education and homogenizing education.
I agree with ideas of education of Paulo Freire. I think that the education must be more active because generally the teacher don´t allow the expression of his students. And Freire thinks in the active participation of the students in the classroom.

I think that all students of pedagogy must read the books of Paulo Freire for think, critique and change the education. 

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