viernes, 4 de diciembre de 2015

The news of education

I find news in the next page:
The news talk about a book, called Finnish Lessons: What Can the World Learn From Educational Change in Finland?
Then the text compares the education of USA with Finnish education with the result of PISA assessment, because Finland gets the first place in science and second in reading, while USA get 17th in science and 12th in reading.
So the news compare the number of teachers in New York City and Finland and say that it´s the same number but the students are more in USA than Finland.
After compare the percent of student that graduate from high school and the percent of the students that are accepted to college, and say that the percent is higher than USA.
Then, the news talks about the politics produced by the Presidents Bush and Obama about education.
And finally, the news talks about the education actually in USA and the new decisions of the matter for example the creation of a school that help students with habits, knowledge and skills of this new century. And express the priority for the educational program for children for prepares to read, write, etc.
I choose this news because is about of education and I am studying education. So the text reflects the good numbers of the education of Finland and compares with other country “industrialized” as USA, which has numbers lower than Finland.   

I think that this news is very interesting. 

President Obama at a US charter school

viernes, 27 de noviembre de 2015

"Educar en Verde"

I’m going to talk a book called “Educar en Verde” of the writer Heike Freire. This book is an academic book and it´s about the importance of the nature for the person specific children.
I knew this book when I started to think in the seminar. I searched books and investigations in relation to the matter of the seminar.  
“Educar en Verde” is very interesting because Freire write tips for motivate the contact of the children with the nature and consider that the human is of the nature same a tree, animals, insect and the rest.
Freire say that many problems of the children can resolve with the contact with the nature, for example TDAH is the lack of nature, because there are investigations that conclude that incorporate nature in the class help to the children to focus and think better.
 This book has been the guide for write the seminar, because say the same ideas of I have about the matter.

Of this book we, as educator can get many ideas about how we make class more motivating for the students, especially for the children that have problems for concentrate although this is not a problem but is a positive thing. The educator only must help to the boy or girl for use this quality of his personality in a positive thing. 

viernes, 20 de noviembre de 2015

A beautiful place

A place in Santiago I have gone and is beautiful is Padre Hurtado´s Park. This park is in La Reina. Before this park called Intercomunal´s Park but recently change the name.

The park is very big and is for person of all age, because the young go with his friends to eat roast and talk. The families go for a walk and there are a lot of activities for the children, for example there are inflatable games, jumping beds and playground.

So there is a lake with swans and here the people can sail and feed to the swans.

Also there are ponies and children can ride.

In this park is allowed the pets, so you can carry your dog.

I like this park because have many things for make and I can carry my dog that is of my family. Also my little brother and sister can play freely and they are happy. And I love the lake ans see the swans.

The first time I went, was with my family.

The last time I went was with my little brother, my 2 sisters and my dog, called Mara. Here we had fun a lot, because my brother and sister play in the playground. Then my brother and me sail on the lake while my sisters care my dog and feed the swans.

I go to the park once time a year.

viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2015

The things I makes me happy

The thing that makes me happy is stay in my house with my family and my boyfriend because they make me happy and here I can be real and do anything.  I can play with my little brothers as a little girl, sing and laugh loudly, dance in everywhere, lie down in the bed, sleep and use the pijama. In fact I like stay with my family in anyplace.

Also I like read books that I want and no for obligation as in the university, because this is very boring. I would like read environmental books and comedy books.

Other thing that I make me happy is eat. I love eat. I like buy food, for example chocolates, cakes, cookies, the sweeties are delicious. So I like go to restaurant, especially the Italian restaurants. My favourite restaurant is La Fabbrica, because the dessert are delicious same the pizzas. But I like the healthy food too, for example the banana, apple, orange, pear and the most I like is the tutti-frutti.

A thing that I like do and I discover recently is tarot card reading. I like because I can connect with me and help to other persons as my friends in his problems, because I can say advice with the tarot help. This I discover when a someday I think that I want study the tarot, because I have go to the "tarotista" and she say me correct things. Then I studied Tarot and liked this. And when I have a time I practice the reading because I still study a lot for be a good in this. 


viernes, 6 de noviembre de 2015

English practice

In the reading area, I got over the middle correct. This area is the easiest for me, because I can read all the times that I want and I have more time for think about what mean the text.
In the listening area I had low score, because the dialogues are very fast.

And the vocabulary area I had good score. 

jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2015


Paulo Freire.jpg
A public person that I admire is Paulo Freire because he is an expert in education and I study education.
I knew of him when I started study on the university. A teacher suggested read a book of Paulo Freire, called “Cartas a quien pretende enseñar”. I loved this book. Then I read chapters of the book called “Pedagogía del Oprimido” and “La educación como práctica de la libertad”.
Freire was a brasilein educator that postulated the critique pedagogy. He was born on 1921 and he died on 1997. The critique pedagogy is the construction of the society from society problems that concern to the classrooms.
Paulo Freire postulated the banking education. This is the education is a business and the elite always win because they have the control and the money.
I like Freire because he has critique ideas of the pedagogy. He believes in a free pedagogy and he critiques the elitist education and homogenizing education.
I agree with ideas of education of Paulo Freire. I think that the education must be more active because generally the teacher don´t allow the expression of his students. And Freire thinks in the active participation of the students in the classroom.

I think that all students of pedagogy must read the books of Paulo Freire for think, critique and change the education. 

viernes, 23 de octubre de 2015

The best present

The best present that I have received in all my life have been my brother and my sister. My mom gave me this beautiful present. They are twin. They were born on July 21th, 2010. In the present they are 5 years old.
When we informed that my mom was pregnant we were very happy, but 2 or 3 months later we informed that were…2 babies! We were surprised and very happy because was very difficult that my mom was pregnant, she tried be pregnant 3 times before.
When they were born I was on the beach, in Iloca with my dad and my brothers. Then my mom called me and she told me that my brother and my sister are going to born. She was in a hospital. I were very sad and cried because I wanted be here in the hospital.
On July 23th, 2010 I went to Santiago and I knew my sister and my brother. They were very crybaby but they were beautiful and I loved them.
They were my inspiration for study this career, Education. I realized that I loved observe and stimulated for they learned new things. I were very happy when they made new things. They were very restless since babies and I love it, because they learn new thing very fast.

Now they went to school, but they aren´t happy, because here the teacher force to the children for sit and don´t allow the restless inherent of the children.